I decided around 14 days ago that the website needed a much needed upgrade.
Sooooo.....I dug in deep and put on my creative hat and began.
Sounds easy doesn't it, just update the Artwork, choose a new colour palette and then publish.
Oh No I here myself cry.....not easy at all.
I take my hat off to all these Professional web designers who take
on Clients businesses to design and create a stunning, eye-catching website.
Finally after 2 weeks of constant 'brain ache' I did it.....and it's ready to go live.
I really hope that you all like it and if a link or button isn't doing what it supposed to do, please let me know and I will fix it right away.
I know with new things, there usually are a couple of glitches.
Hope to see you around and that I get to play with your dogs and then go on to create beautiful art for you to display.
Carolyne x